Our much loved friend and member, Trevor Boyd, died on 23rd December 2010, a few weeks after his 79th birthday. At his memorial service in Helen's Bay on 31st December the church was filled to overflowing, attended among others by a large number of Field Club members.
Trevor joined the Club in 1949, and was already an enthusiastic naturalist. Pressure of work delayed his joining the Committee until 1970 but his talents were quickly harnessed and he was elected Vice-President in 1973 and President in 1974. Already immersed in his specialist subject, his Presidential Excursion was an entomological visit to Finnebrogue and his Presidential Address was on "Butterflies of Ireland".
After this year there was no escape for him, and he was immediately elected Zoological Secretary. Reading the Annual Reports it is evident that interest in the field was at a low ebb and Trevor certainly stirred it up. However he did not stay long in this role and in 1976 moved to join Brendan Adams as Assistant Honorary Secretary. Brendan's death led to his move to be Honorary Secretary in 1982 - a post that he filled until 1995, thirteen busy and memorable years for the Club. At this stage he was given the Club medal for his contribution and I think it would be true to say that he has continued to teach us all about butterflies and moths ever since.
All this sounds like a post-retirement career in itself, but I have not touched on his various activities in Helen's Bay and his other great interest - Meteorology. He was a meticulous collector of data on its various aspects and neighbours have commented on how they were detailed to keep up the measurements when he went on holiday, and felt a large burden of responsibility to ensure completeness and accuracy, whatever the weather conditions. In this connection he was made a M.B.E. and a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society - a tribute to his contribution in this field.
It would be impossible to pay tribute to Trevor without mentioning Heather, for they were a perfect partnership and she complemented his role by being President in the year 1998-9. Many of us have a particularly happy memory of their entertaining us in the Creebridge Hotel during the Galloway Excursion in 1994 when Heather played the piano to accompany Trevor's singing. It was therefore a bitter blow for Trevor and Heather, as indeed for all of us, when they had to withdraw from last summer's return visit to the area, staying in the same lovely hotel. This followed Trevor's severe stroke in June, but we were all delighted to feel that he had made a good recovery and was taking a full interest in the autumn lectures. However it was not to be, and Trevor died suddenly on 23rd December.
The Field Club has lost a truly valuable member and he will be sadly missed for all his contributions over the past sixty years.

Trevor Boyd